Insight Legal Solutions: young woman lays flowers at grave while preparing to take on the role of Executor for the Estate

Are you the executor appointed in the Will of a family member? Read on to understand what this involves and what will be required of you when the time comes. Having knowledge about the process will make the task easier for you during what is inevitably going to be an emotional and upsetting time.

As executor of a Will, your role will be to finalise all the legal and financial matters of the deceased and distribute the deceased’s assets and possessions as they have requested in their Will.  Applying for probate is one of the early steps in this process. Probate is simply a legal term for the process where the court system ‘proves’ that the Last Will and Testament of the deceased is legal and valid. Once this is complete, you, as executor, can move forward with the job of distributing the estate.  

The mechanism of applying for probate is designed to protect both the wishes of the deceased and the rights of the next of kin and beneficiaries. It also includes publicising the death to ensure the opportunity for debts to be settled appropriately as part of the process.

In the case where a person dies “intestate”, that is, without a legal Will in place, you will be unable to apply for probate but can apply for “Administration” of the estate which is a similar process.  The estate is then distributed in accordance with laws of intestacy which determine beneficiaries following a line of a family tree.  

How to initiate probate 

In NSW probate is granted by the Supreme Court of NSW and there are specific steps that must be followed and allowable time frames for the probate division of the Court  to grant the probate 


The probate application cannot be submitted until at least 14 days after the date recorded on the death certificate but should be submitted within six months.  Probate applications that are submitted more than six months after the death of the deceased will require an affidavit from the executor containing an explanation to the court about why there was a delay.

Documents required

The documents you will require to achieve probate from the court include:

  • The deceased’s original Will – this is an important legal document so be sure to handle it carefully, do not add or remove staples, make any markings or even fold the document
  • The original death certificate
  • An inventory of property listing all of the deceased’s assets and liabilities at the time of death.  This often involves contacting the asset holders (such as banks) to determine the value of the asset and to determine any particular requirements that will need to be met before the asset is released.
  • The full names and residential addresses of the Will’s witnesses
  • A completed ‘motion for probate’ application form
  • An affidavit from the executor


Once you have gathered all the documentation required for probate the process is as follows:

  1. Publish a public notice of intended distribution of the estate with the NSW Online Registry – this allows the opportunity for any creditors  (or claimants) to come forward and notifies the court of your intention to apply for probate;
  2. Fourteen days after the public notice is published, the probate application can be submitted with the Supreme Court;
  3. If needed, respond to any queries from the court;
  4. If all the documents for probate are completed and submitted correctly, the court process will take around 20 working days to approve.


The costs for obtaining a grant of probate by the Court will include advertising fees and court filing fees.  The advertising fee is fairly nominal.  The filing fee is determined in accordance with a scale which is impacted by the overall value of the estate. 

There will also be a fee for obtaining the original death certificate from the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.  The funeral director will usually apply for and supply a death certificate for you.  This original will need to be submitted to the Court and can be returned to you upon your request.  Alternatively, you may wish to organise a second copy for your records.  Additionally, if you engage a solicitor to assist with the documentation and legalities there will be legal fees. 

Keep in mind that these costs are not expected to be paid by you personally, they ultimately come out of the deceased’s estate prior to distribution to the beneficiaries.

Is probate always necessary?

Probate is not necessary in all matters.  Much will depend on the deceased’s assets and the requirements of the asset holders (the bank etc)  It’s best to get qualified legal advice to confirm if this applies in your circumstances.

I don’t want to be Executor

If you have been made executor of an Estate and at the time of the person’s death you are unwilling or believe you are not in a suitable position to perform your duties in this role, there are options.  In the case where there are multiple executors listed in the Will, the remaining executor/s can apply for probate without you, you just need to sign a renunciation form.  In the case where there is only one executor, then another person would have to apply for administration of the estate.

Other situations that can complicate probate and the distribution of an estate include:

  • Where a claim is made against the Estate by an eligible person.
  • Blended families where spouses and offspring from multiple relationships are eligible for inheritance.
  • Where property and assets are located across different states and/or countries.

Estate matters can be complicated and some are simply time-consuming.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us for initial advice on Wills and Estate planning.