Why choose an accredited specialist?
At Insight Legal Solutions all of our lawyers are Accredited Specialists in Family Law and this is an important distinction, of which we are very proud.
While all aspects of law are important, family law is an area of the legal industry that touches people’s lives in a very real way. We see every day how our knowledge and advice makes a difference at what is often one of the most emotionally challenging periods of a client’s life. This is why it is so important to all of us at Insight to be able to deliver the highest level of service possible.
Our lawyers bring an objective perspective and a high level of expertise to address the particulars of each client’s situation. Our firm works hard, using years of skills and experience, to bring matters to finality in a way that is fair and realistic within the realms of the law, efficient, and amicable wherever possible.
The added bonus of having an Accredited Specialist as your family lawyer means you are certain that your solicitor knows the relevant law and has significant experience in similar matters.
Becoming an Accredited Specialist in any field of law requires a combination of further study beyond a law degree and a minimum of five years full-time experience (three of which must be in the area of specialisation). It is a peer-reviewed acknowledgment of a solicitor’s high level of professionalism and expertise.
Holding a Specialist Accreditation in Family Law ensures that Insight Legal is equipped with the skills to guide you through all your options and deliver a higher quality of outcome. Our Specialist Accreditation in Family Law is an assurance to our clients that they are receiving the absolute best of care, with the most up-to-date advice and professionalism.
Contact us today if you require advice specific to your circumstances with relation to any area of family law.