DUI – has it happened to you?
Statistics show that in NSW driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol plays a part in one in every seven crashes that involve a death. We can all agree that’s a sobering statistic and yet reports are also showing a current decade-high spike…

Why choose an accredited specialist?
At Insight Legal Solutions all of our lawyers are Accredited Specialists in Family Law and this is an important distinction, of which we are very proud.
While all aspects of law are important, family law is an area of the legal industry that…

Outstanding Start-up AND family law specialist accreditation
It's been an exciting month for recognition of hard work here at Insight Legal Solutions. First, we were named as the 2021 winner in the Outstanding Start-Up category of the Shoalhaven Business Awards. It’s been a wonderful and crazy first…

Deceased Estate Probate and your role as Executor on a Will
Are you the executor appointed in the Will of a family member? Read on to understand what this involves and what will be required of you when the time comes. Having knowledge about the process will make the task easier for you during what is…

Divorce without consent, is it possible?
There have been countless times over the past decade that I have heard a client say their ex will not sign the divorce papers until this happens, or that happens. This usually revolves around using the divorce as a bargaining chip to negotiate…

After separation, how important is estate planning?
The short answer is that estate planning is very important. It’s important for reasons that might surprise you. Whilst it may not be a nice thing to think about, talking about your wishes and getting proper advice can make things a lot easier…

Corona (COVID-19) Co-parenting
Wow – what a changing world we are all experiencing with the impacts of COVID-19 “Corona” virus on our society.
On top of everything else, corona co-parenting is likely to have a whole set of additional stressors for parents. Whether…
Nowra based lawyers providing legal services to the Shoalhaven. Family Law, Criminal Law, Wills & Estates.

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